Gabriele di Franco about LULELA


Lulela is a multi-layered jazz concert, performed by 6 musicians on stage, with a story that enfolds differently during each performance. When the protagonist is at a crossroads,his path is determined by the decisive power of the audience: who he will be and what he could have been, is defined by the audience. The audience navigates through 19 different storylines of which only 2 are revealed during each performance, resulting in a 1 hour and 30 minutes interactive music theatre concert.

LOD / Gabriele di Franco: Lulela

concept, text, composition & direction Gabriele di Franco //
narration & bassoon Marcello Giannandrea // soprano Aphrodite Patoulidou // vibraphone & glockenspiel Pierre Hurty // drums Daniel Jonkers // double bass Filipe Caporali // jazz guitar Gabriele di Franco // technics Johannes Ringoot // production manager Rozemarijn Van Kalmthout // production LOD muziektheater