Betsabea won the “Scrivere in Jazz” international composition award
And last but not least…thanks to the Jury members that choose Betsabea:
here more about
And last but not least…thanks to the Jury members that choose Betsabea:
I’m so glad to announce that my piece ‘Berlin’ has been selected as a finalist at the Helsinki Big Band Composing Contest.
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La scrittura di Gabriele di Franco è costruita intorno ai rocciosi segmenti del passato, ma guarda con occhio vigile e purpureo verso l’irrequietezza del free jazz, dell’avanguardia europea…
…un lavoro e un progetto da ricordare. E, soprattutto, da far conoscere in ogni parte del globo: giusto per rammentare ai forestieri che anche qui le orchestre sanno il fatto suo.
Gabriele di Franco’s writing is built around robust segments of the past, but looks with a watchful and purple eye towards the restlessness of free jazz, of the European avant-garde…
…a work and a project to remember. And, above all, to be made known in every part of the world: just to remind the strangers that here too the orchestras know what they are doing.
Wonderful review in the editorial section of Jazz Halo: Jazz the Italian way #2. – (Texte © ferdinand dupuis-panther)
“Subconcious-Lee” is like a spring ripple in a soft green…
“Contemplation arises when the guitar solo opens the piece “P.”…
“…A homage to Amsterdam is to be found in “Leidseplein Madness”: It rocks really hard. The saxophone is eccentric, but then it catches itself again and makes a gentle wind whisper. The madness, it seems, to take a break. But then, as you continue listening, you think fireworks rockets are being shot into the sky, and the guitarist lets the strings buzz, howl, whimper, howl. At the end there is the musical “happiness”.
“Einem Frühlingsrauschen im zarten Grün gleicht „Subconcious-Lee“…
“Kontemplation kommt auf, wenn das Gitarrensolo das Stück „P.“ eröffnet…
“..Eine Hommage an Amsterdam findet sich mit „Leidseplein Madness“: Da rockt es ganz gewaltig. Exaltiert gibt sich das Saxofon, das sich dann aber wieder fängt und ein zartes Windsäuseln von sich gibt. Der Wahnsinn macht, so scheint es, auch auf dem Leidseplein mal eine Pause. Doch dann meint man beim weiteren Zuhören, Feuerwerksraketen werden in den Himmel geschossen, und der Gitarrist lässt die Saiten schwirren, jaulen, wimmern, heulen. Zum Schluss findet sich dann noch das musikalische „Glück“.
Happy to share a new video: ‘About LULELA’.
Here a small pitch to present you LULELA.
Have been working already since a while on this exiciting project, but there are still a few months to go for ultimate the compositional work!
Looking forward to starting performing LULELA!
LULELA, Is an Interactive concert with multiple evolutionary possibilities. more info: co-produced by LOD muziektheater.
Gabriele di Franco: composition, libretto and concept.
video editing by Studio Sciolto
At this year’s conference, inJazz (Rotterdam – NL) introduced – in cooperation with the Bremen (DE) based label Berthold records – the Elevator Jazz Pitch.Only 10 were the finalists, and I’m glad to say that my presentation about my coming Interactive music-theatre piece (LULELA) won the inJazz inCentive of €1.000,-. more about InJazz conference: press:
ph. and Maarten van Haaff |
Our latest album so far will be streamed.
Produced by Ass. Bud Powell di Maglie.
© Gabriele di Franco 2018
© Ass.Cult. Jazz Bud Powell di Maglie
Domenica 3 febbraio alle ore 15:30 partirà il nuovo Corso di Composizione Jazz presso l’Associazione Culturale Jazz Bud Powell di Maglie a cura di Gabriele di Franco e Francesco Negro.
Il corso prevede più di 30 ore di lezione in cui saranno affrontati i seguenti argomenti:
L’obiettivo del corso è quello di imparare le tecniche di orchestrazione, composizione ed arrangiamento di base per poter scrivere musica per vari organici.
Le lezioni si struttureranno secondo il seguente calendario nella fascia oraria 15:30 – 18:30:
Febbraio: 3, 17
Marzo: 17, 31
Aprile: 14, 28
Maggio: 12, 26
Giugno: 9, 23
Luglio: 14
Per poter partecipare al corso bisogna avere i seguenti requisiti:
Gabriele di Franco:
Francesco Negro:
Per ulteriori informazioni: